Repair Funds: A Revolutionary Solution for More Sustainable Fashion?
In an industry dominated by overconsumption, it is essential for an eco-responsible brand to adopt responsible practices to extend the lifespan of clothing and accessories. Repair Funds are part of this approach, but what do they really mean?
What is a Repair Fund?
A repair fund is an amount set aside by a brand to finance repairs for products purchased by its customers. The goal is to encourage sustainability by prioritizing repair over replacement. The ReFashion Society offers a repair service called "Bonus Réparation," allowing customers to have their products repaired directly by certified repairers.
Why Are They Important?
Repair funds are important because they help reduce textile waste and encourage more responsible consumption by promoting repairs. They also increase foot traffic to stores dedicated to the repair of textile and accessory items.
How Does It Work?
With the Bonus Réparation service, you can receive discounts to extend the lifespan of your products. You can find a list of certified repairers who offer the Bonus Réparation service on ReFashion’s website. This repair bonus is applied as a discount on your final bill to make repairs more affordable. It’s very simple—just visit your cobbler and entrust them with your shoes or clothing (excluding lingerie, leather, or real fur garments).
The products eligible for the Bonus Réparation are limited to those from the TLC sector (Textiles, Household Linens, and Shoes). In other words, the Bonus Réparation is funded by eco-contributions from brands in the TLC sector. These contributions support the prevention and management of the end-of-life of products sold by these brands. Therefore, only products for which these brands pay an eco-contribution are eligible for the Bonus Réparation.
You can use the Bonus Réparation for your iné sneakers. For example, if your iné sneakers are worn out (because you wear them every day 😉), visit our Care instructions page or find a certified cobbler via the ReFashion’s map. By doing so, you will receive a discount on the repair.
Repair funds, like the Bonus Réparation introduced by ReFashion, are not just a trend but a true revolution in the sustainable fashion industry. They extend the lifespan of products while reducing their environmental footprint. This is a vital step to encourage and adopt for more responsible consumption.
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